Written by Thomas Anderson - January 07, 2023
Bioidentical progesterone is a hormone therapy that uses naturally occurring substances to replace hormones in the body. Some bioidentical hormones are derived from plants, such as yams and soybeans. It is possible for progesterone to be made from yams.
Progesterone is one of the primary female sex hormones, and its levels in the body decrease as women approach menopause. Low levels of progesterone can cause a host of problems, including PMS, irregular periods, infertility, and mood swings. For these reasons, many women seek out hormone replacement therapy to supplement their bodies with additional progesterone.
When it comes to hormone therapies, there are two main types: synthetic and bioidentical. Synthetic hormones are man-made chemical compounds that mimic the effects of natural hormones; they are widely available in drugstores. Bioidentical hormones use botanical sources such as yams and soybeans to create an identical duplicate of a natural hormone; they must be prescribed by a doctor or health care provider.
Bioidentical hormones have some advantages over synthetic hormones because they offer more precise dosing levels and more accurate delivery systems than their counterparts do. This means that bioidenticals can be used to target specific areas of need in the body without disrupting other hormonal pathways.
In terms of whether or not bioidentical progesterone can be made from yams specifically, the answer is yes – it can! Yam extracts contain diosgenin, which when combined with other ingredients through a process called saponification, converts into progesterone molecules that can be used for hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The process requires sophisticated equipment and technology that most pharmacies do not possess–making this type of HRT only available through specially certified clinics like Testosterone treatment Clinic -a leader in bio-similar HRT since 2002!
At Testosterone treatment Clinic you will find experts who understand your needs and provide customized solutions tailored just for you! Whether it's relief from menopause symptoms or specialized help with sexual health concerns due to low progesterone levels, Testosterone treatment Clinic highly trained medical professionals will craft unique protocols based on your individual biochemical needs—ensuring superior results every time! Here’s what you should expect when visiting Testosterone treatment Clinic :
Knowledgeable practitioners
Customized treatment plans
Top-notch customer service
Continual support throughout your journey
Whether you’re looking for help managing perimenopausal symptoms or simply want guidance navigating through the aging process gracefully—Testosterone treatment Clinic offer all this plus much more! So if you’ve been wondering if bioidentical progesterone can be made from yams–the answer is yes–and at Testosterone treatment Clinic we are equipped with the latest technologies to help make it happen!
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