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Is There a Bioidentical Progesterone?

Written by Thomas Anderson - January 03, 2023

Yes, there is. Bioidentical progesterone is a hormone replacement therapy (HRT) used to restore balance and treat a wide range of conditions including premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), irregular menstruation, menopausal symptoms, and more. This type of HRT specifically uses hormones that are identical in structure and action to the hormones produced by the body.

The benefits of bioidentical progesterone are vast. It has been found to reduce menopause symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats, ease insomnia and fatigue, improve mood swings, relieve vaginal dryness, stimulate libido, aid in circulation, reduce breast tenderness as well as bloating during menstrual cycles. Additionally, it helps regulate the menstrual cycle and can increase fertility in women who have difficulty conceiving.

It is important to note that bioidentical hormones are only available through custom compounding pharmacies which requires a prescription from a qualified physician who understands your medical history. The most common form of bioidentical progesterone is the topical cream or gel which can be prescribed by physicians at Testosterone treatment Clinic where you can get personalized care tailored to fit your needs.

Another option for taking bioidentical progesterone includes sublingual drops placed under the tongue for absorption into the bloodstream or through intramuscular injections taken every few weeks or months depending on your doctor's recommendation.

Benefits Of Taking Bioidentical Progesterone:

  • Reduce hot flashes and night sweats
  • Ease insomnia and fatigue
  • Improve mood swings
  • Relieve vaginal dryness
  • Stimulate libido
  • Aid in circulation
  • Reduce breast tenderness as well as bloating during menstrual cycles
  • Regulate the menstrual cycle

Bioidentical progesterone also has additional health benefits such as reducing cancer risk factors due to its ability to regulate estrogen production in postmenopausal women since elevated estrogen levels have been linked to increased risk of reproductive cancers like breast cancer. Furthermore, bioidentical progesterone has been shown to improve bone density in menopausal women which helps reduce their risk of developing osteoporosis over time due to bone loss associated with low estrogen levels after menopause. Additionally, this hormone replacement therapy helps protect against Alzheimer’s disease by regulating hormones responsible for cognitive decline later in life like cortisol and acetylcholine levels.

Overall, if you are considering taking bioidentical progesterone it is best to discuss this with your healthcare provider because like any other medications there may be side effects or risks involved depending on individual circumstances such as age, weight or health condition. Your healthcare provider at Testosterone treatment Clinic will help you determine if this treatment option is right for you by evaluating your current health along with any risk factors associated with taking bioidentical hormone replacement therapies before proceeding forward with treatment so be sure to consult a professional before making any decisions about taking these medications approved by USP/FDA/NF Guidelines..

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